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A safe space: How Murali uses his rich life experiences to support people on their wellbeing journey

Murali has faced several crossroads. One of the most significant was as a high-achieving senior executive who felt unfulfilled in the corporate world. More profound was the loss of his sister, who had lived with mental illness and disability. Both experiences led Murali to Candella. As a Wellbeing Facilitator, Murali honours his sister every day by meeting people where they are, empowering them to set and work towards their goals, and strengthening our organisation with his rich life experience.

First and foremost, it’s important not to have preconceived ideas. We work with people in their space, and Candella is atypical of other support organisations – which is why I took on his work. We focus on capacity building. It’s about connecting with a person, truly listening to them, and enabling their recovery. I’m proud to be part of that journey.”

Inspired to live a life of purpose

Murali is one of those people who radiates positive energy. At 64 years young, he balances his zest for life with deep empathy and respect for people and the challenges they face – qualities that make him such a valued Wellbeing Facilitator at Candella.

“I would like to bring maximum happiness to the maximum number of people in need – that is what gives me meaning and purpose,” Murali says. “And how I do that is by meeting people at their place. Not just their physical place, but where they are in their feeling and thinking.”

The importance of place and space – to have choice and freedom within it and not be confined by it – is something Murali holds close to his heart.

“I was born in Malaysia, but I’ve lived in Australia for nearly 40 years. About nine years ago, I returned to Malaysia to visit my sister. She had major mental health and disability issues and lived in a nursing home. It was like the residents were shut off from the world – there was no movement, no expression, no talk. That was the world my sister had known for 18 years.”

Sadly, Murali’s sister passed away in 2018. By then, Murali – a trained psychologist and former senior executive – had been running his coaching practice for 25 years. Inspired by his sister and armed with a strong sense of social justice, he was inspired to take a different path.

“In honour of my sister, I took a sabbatical from my practice. I wanted to go to the heart of where people are at and help them on their journey. That is how I came to be at Candella, and I’m glad I did. I’ll be frank, it is challenging, but it is also very heartwarming and inspiring. I align wholeheartedly with what Candella stands for, and to me, that is empowerment, recognition, choice and responsibility.”

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Connection, flexibility and support

Joining Candella in early 2022, Murali brings a wealth of experience to his role and our team. His learnings and perspectives have formed over a career spanning four decades, including many years in the corporate world.

“I was a senior executive in change management. The organisation was downsizing, and one of the hardest things I had to do was tell one gentleman that after 30 years of service, he no longer had a job. That was a turning point for me. So, I decided to venture out of corporate life and support people on their terms.”

Today, as a Wellbeing Facilitator, Murali empowers people experiencing mental health issues to increase their independence, self-belief and social connection. With a focus on capacity building, he helps people set and reach their individual goals and participate in the community in the way they choose.

“My role is to create a space where people feel comfortable being themselves. Often, customers have been stigmatised and labelled by society, and they do not want to be defined in that way. They want to be received as they are, so it’s about asking questions that open up the heart and mind, listening, and being present. Often, silence and stillness are what’s needed. It’s important to know when to pull back.”

Although Murali had not worked in a mental health service prior to Candella, the support of his team enabled him to hit the ground running.

“Everyone at Candella is accessible, and I know I can message my Team Leader whenever I need support. We also get supervision time, which has been valuable to my development. And I learn so much from my clients. They are so inspiring. For me, this work is a learning experience, a humbling experience, and an empowering experience.”

Murali values the flexibility he receives at Candella. He has the autonomy to set his own hours and relishes the variety of his role.

“My day is determined by what the person wants to do. Many of my clients find peace through movement, so I do a lot of walking. Man, do we walk! That’s one thing I love about my job – I get to be outside. There is humour, too. Even one smile shared with a client helps build that connection and can change their day.”

“My day is determined by what the person wants to do. Many of my clients find peace through movement, so I do a lot of walking. Man, do we walk! That’s one thing I love about my job – I get to be outside. There is humour, too. Even one smile shared with a client helps build that connection and can change their day.”

A place that values difference and diversity

Murali acknowledges how difficult it can be for people aged 55-plus years to secure work. He applauds Candella for its commitment to employing people of various ages, backgrounds and life experiences to maximise our clients’ wellbeing.

“Ageism is an issue when it comes to employment. I am quite a resilient individual who has experienced life with so many highs and lows. I believe I bring a level of maturity to the organisation, but that does not mean I am smarter than anyone else. We need people with different perspectives so that our customers always have someone they can connect with. My hope is that we can welcome more people over 55 to Candella.”

Are you interested in joining our values-led team and facilitating meaningful change in people’s lives? If so, Murali offers the following advice.

“First and foremost, it’s important not to have preconceived ideas. We work with people in their space, and Candella is atypical of other support organisations – which is why I took on his work. We focus on capacity building. It’s about connecting with a person, truly listening to them, and enabling their recovery. I’m proud to be part of that journey.”

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