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A glass half full: How Linda builds confidence and capacity, one meaningful step at a time

Linda possesses a kindness that’s full of grit and determination. With a glass-half-full attitude, our passionate Wellbeing Facilitator strives to break down barriers and advocate for people experiencing mental health issues and disadvantage. Linda has found deep purpose at Candella, where she has the trust and autonomy to provide her customers with the best possible support, and the flexibility to prioritise her own wellbeing.

Celebrating the wins, big and small

The difference the right kind of support makes in a person’s life can be gradual yet profound. Our humble Wellbeing Facilitators may not always realise the impact they have as they support people experiencing mental health issues and other forms of disadvantage. But when Linda read the following words penned just for her, it truly hit home:

I wouldn’t of come this far if you didn’t enter the scene,

And light at the end of the tunnel is what I would never of seen.

An inspiration is what you have been,

And when it comes to being a Wellbeing Facilitator, you are easily the queen.

You came to my rescue when my mental health was a concern,

And the tide is what you made me turn.

So much is what you helped me learn,

And most importantly, you made my happiness return.

– Written by Candella Client

“My client expresses himself through poetry and wrote me these lovely poems,” Linda says. “They’re beautiful and heartfelt and made me feel so appreciated. I love working with my clients. They bring so much.”

Linda is one of Candella’s tenacious and passionate Wellbeing Facilitators. With compassion, kindness and respect, she supports people living with mental illness and disability to develop the tools they need to meet their daily needs, improve their wellbeing, and have greater choice and control.

“Each client has different goals, needs and barriers. We meet them where they’re at, so it’s not just about their overall goals. Sometimes, it’s helping them get through the day. They might be in financial distress, so we try to source help and information on what’s available.”

Every day presents new challenges, and Linda rises to each one with optimism and an unwavering sense of purpose.

“I’m passionate about what I do, and despite what my clients are going through, I ensure we have a few laughs. Laughter is so important. It’s not easy for clients to constantly confide in someone and ask for support, so it’s about building that connection and rapport to help them feel at ease.”

Are you passionate about mental health?

Find your rewarding career opportunity at Candella today.

Finding true purpose

Linda has long been passionate about advocating for people experiencing challenge and disadvantage. Prior to joining Candella, she spent many years as a Case Manager, supporting children and adolescents in out-of-home care. She then changed tack, helping adults living with disability to find and navigate employment.

“While focusing on their employment goals, it became evident that they faced so many other barriers in their lives. At the time, I felt frustrated that I couldn’t do more. So, I started looking for a place where I could support people holistically and intentionally. That’s when I discovered Candella and the great work they do.”

Linda resonated with our mission to provide respectful, person-centred support that builds people’s capacity and confidence. And now, she’s a vital part of that mission, bringing her valuable knowledge and insights to her role of Wellbeing Facilitator.

“At Candella, we empower our clients to drive their own vehicle, so to speak. It’s not just completing tasks for them; we guide and teach them.”

Since joining our team in 2020, Linda has supported many clients, each with unique and important stories. One client in particular who made a lasting impression had been unable to leave his home for years due to anxiety associated with agoraphobia.

“This client’s life had been brought to a standstill. He felt trapped by his condition and believed he had no reason to live. But then, he adopted some abandoned kittens and suddenly found a reason to stay. He loved his kittens, and they were so important to his wellbeing.

But he needed help to cover the costs of worming and flea treatment, so I collaborated with other service providers to ensure the cats were wormed and healthy. Now, this client has his best friends by his side. He says they saved his life, and I’m so grateful to have played a part in that.”

Respect, autonomy and care

Linda has her own “fur baby” – Hugo, a young and exuberant standard Groodle. Hugo helps Linda maintain her own sense of wellbeing because, like all of us, she experiences life’s challenges. Linda values the support and flexibility she has at Candella to ensure her health and wellbeing needs are also met.

“Candella cares just as much about our wellbeing as our customers. Another thing I love is the trust. They trust you as an employee to organise your work calendar and do your job well. They ask for our feedback and check in to see if we’re OK. And if you’ve ever got an issue, you can always reach out.”

If you’d like to begin your purposeful career at Candella? Linda shares the following advice.

“You need to have compassion, and you need to be respectful and honest. Sometimes, you need to have some hard conversations with your customers, but you also have to let them lead. You definitely need to be optimistic! The glass is half full, not empty.”

As you empower others, we’ll empower you

Be part of a friendly, supportive and inclusive team, and create a career that matters.

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