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Embracing Change and Progress: A Year-End Message from Aaron Ford, CEO of Candella

Dear Candella Community,

As we approach the close of this transformative year, I am excited to briefly reflect and share the remarkable journey we’ve embarked on together. The past twelve months have been a testament to our collective dedication, resilience, and the incredible impact we’ve made as a community.

I want to extend my heartfelt thanks to all of our stakeholders, whose support has been the cornerstone of our success. We believe that quality mental health services should be available to as many people as possible, and your trust in us, and the connections you’ve referred to our services, have been invaluable. It is through these relationships that we’ve been able to reach new heights and extend our reach far beyond what we could have achieved alone. This year we have been able to support over 1000 clients on their recovery-oriented mental health journey.  

To our valued clients, the beating heart of Candella, thank you for entrusting us with your journeys. Your stories have been our inspiration, and your triumphs have fuelled our commitment to creating a society that is fair and inclusive for all individuals facing mental health challenges.

At Candella, our daily pursuit revolves around addressing the fundamental question: How can we make our society more fair and inclusive for all people living with mental health issues? In 2023, we took significant strides in that direction, launching our groundbreaking Employment Pathways Program. This initiative aims not only to provide opportunities for meaningful steps towards work but also to contribute to the larger conversation about mental health within the workplace.

We sponsored the University of Sydney to better understand barriers to employment, and we partnered with Swinburne University to co-design and co-create Recovery Coaching training programs. These initiatives reflect our commitment to addressing systemic barriers to inclusion and to sharing our expertise throughout our industry. 

Additionally in my video message I am pleased to share with you the top-line results from our recent Client Feedback Survey. Your insights have been instrumental in shaping our services, and we are committed to continually improving and tailoring our support to meet your evolving needs.

As we stand at the threshold of a new year, I am filled with optimism for what lies ahead. The accomplishments of 2023 serve as a foundation for our continued growth, and I am eager to explore new avenues for collaboration and impact in the mental health landscape.

In closing, I extend my warmest wishes to you and your loved ones during this festive season. May the coming year be marked by even greater strides toward a fair and inclusive society, and may our collective efforts bring about positive change for all.

Thank you for being an integral part of the Candella journey.

Warm regards,

Aaron Ford CEO, Candella

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